Tuesday, June 6, 2017

20 Time Final Post

I finally did my 20 time TED talk with Justine on Thursday, June 1. I thought that it went a lot better than I thought it would go. I thought that we did a good job highlighting all of our key points that we wanted to cover. Also, I thought that we did a good job reflecting on our journey as a whole. However, after watching myself present, I have realized that I look as uncomfortable presenting as I feel. I kept fidgeting on my crutches and looking over at Justine. Instead of doing this, I should have just relaxed more and looked at the audience when I was not talking. I would have given myself an A because while I was not the best presenter, I was able to explain all the key points I wanted to say and we covered the requirements. I have grown from this experience because it was another opportunity to give a presentation in front of others. No matter how many times I practice, I am always super nervous to present. This was just another chance for me to practice my public speaking and assess myself afterwards, which is not something that I can normally do. 

Overall, I thought that the 20 time presentations were really interesting to listen to. I noticed how not one presentation was the same, each covering their own unique topic. I thought it was also interesting how some topics were briefly mentioned in others, but the process and end result was completely different. It was really cool to hear how other people's projects went as a whole, and knowing that you were not the only one who struggled. 

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