Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Women with a Hole in Her Brain

The article titled "The Women with a Hole in Her Brain" describes how doctors found that a woman that has no cerebellum in her brain. The women originally went to see the doctor when she was feeling light headed and the doctors discovered the missing cerebellum in her brain. The cerebellum controls much of the motor control and learning. Hence, she has always had trouble walking normally and learned to walk and talk at an older age than usual children. This relates to what we have learned because we are going over how the brain works and the different parts and functions of it.

The parieto-occipital sulcus is located at the posterior end of each hemisphere in the brain. The main part of this brain is to separate the occipital and parietal lobes in the hemispheres of the brain. Without this divider, the brain would still be able to function, but it would probably just not function as productively. A person could most likely survive without this part of the brain because it just separates two lobes. I don't think that any parts of the brain could take over this job since it just acts as a barrier.

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